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A member registered Feb 13, 2018

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Farms don't seem to actually produce anything, which puts a hard limit on the lifespan of a colony. I can't produce fiber, so I'm limited to the two herbalists I can build with the starting fiber; moving them costs money, which also can't be produced, so after a while I just can't produce more food.

Also, I did the necessary research to get wheat farms going and found that water pumps require money to build - and having spent some of my starting money moving herbalists, I couldn't build a pump. (Then it rained and I found out that wheat farms work about the same as cotton farms.)

If you want to keep the game in a playable state during development, don't introduce resource requirements without also adding a way to produce those resources.

There's also a bug with flash floods where one destroyed one of my carpenters, which was staffed, and my idle worker count went to -3, so I had to take 3 workers out of other buildings to get back to 0 idle. I got the workers back when the tile returned, but in the interim the sum of the workers in each building was 3 less than my population.